Elegantly elevate scrambled eggs with this easy recipe.
12 eggs
1⁄4 cup sour cream
2 - 3 tsp Lemon Dilly Dip Mix
2 tsp Dijon-style mustard
Sea Salt, to taste
1 tsp olive oil
8 slices smoked salmon
1⁄4 cup Pesto Sauce
2 tbsp Pesto Sauce Mix
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp pine nuts or pistachio nuts, optional
1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
1⁄4 cup olive oil
Whisk eggs together, then whisk in sour cream, Lemon Dilly Dip Mix, mustard and Salt.
Coat frying pan with oil and set over medium heat. Swirl pan to evenly coat bottom and sides.
Pour in egg mixture. Using a spatula, gently scrape along pan bottom and push eggs from side to side. This will create large soft curds. Stir for 6-8 minutes, just until creamy and curds have formed. Remove from heat.
Divide between serving plates and drape each serving with a piece of salmon. Drizzle Pesto overtop and serve.