In a bowl, combine seasoning and water. Set aside.
Cube sweet potato: you should have about 3 cups. Place in Multipurpose Steamer. Cover and microwave on high until tender, about 8 min.
Meanwhile, brown beef in a large non-stick fry pan over medium-high heat. Drain any liquid. Stir in seasoning mixture. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Simmer for 2 min, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and divide meat between four bowls; cover to keep warm. Rinse and dry pan.
Trim and quarter Brussels sprouts. Heat oil in the same pan over medium-high heat. Add sprouts and sauté 5 min until lightly browned. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Halve tomatoes. Add to pan, stirring occasionally, until heated through.
Add sweet potatoes and veggies to bowls and serve.