Epicure Recipes

All-Natural Easter Egg Dye


10 min prep


Skip the kit this year! Create beautifully coloured Easter eggs with all-natural dyes made from household ingredients. Kids young and young at heart will love experimenting and creating the different colours. Simple, with beautiful results!


  • eggs, hard boiled or blown
  • white vinegar
  • water
  • (for colour variations) red tea, Mango Curry Dip Mix, head of a cabbage


  1. Red: Steep 3 tbsp red tea with 3 cups boiling water. Let sit overnight and strain.
  2. Yellow: Mix 2 tbsp Mango Curry Dip Mix with 3 cups boiling water. Let sit overnight and strain.
  3. Blue: Boil 1⁄4 head of cabbage with 4 cups water. Add 2 tbsp white vinegar and let cool overnight. Strain.
  4. Wipe each eggshell gently with vinegar to help with colour absorption.
  5. Add eggs to dye as desired, and leave soaking in the dye in the refrigerator overnight for the richest colours.

Nutritional Information

Per serving: Calories , Fat g (Saturated g, 0 g), Cholesterol mg, Sodium mg, Carbohydrate g (Fiber g, Sugars g), Protein g.


Experiment with different ingredients for custom colours!